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Wickenburg, Arizona, is a desert paradise for horse lovers. Founded in 1863 by ranching and mining pioneers, Arizona’s Most Western Community is located in the central part of the state, offering a mild climate ideal for horsemen seeking a welcoming community for the winter.

Surrounded by the high Sonoran desert and mountains and nestled into the Hassayampa Valley, Wickenburg is a beautiful setting for trail riding, team roping, barrel racing, and relaxing. Visitors and locals hike trails lined with wildflowers and cacti, ride horses, and then ride in a Jeep to experience natural trails and historic places. You can fish nearby lakes, participate in or watch team roping at local arenas, ride a mountain bike, golf, take a stroll around Wickenburg’s historic downtown, attend annual heritage events, or sit and watch the sunset. The community boasts active horse groups, daily equestrian events in the winter and spring, and many competitions, such as the National Senior Pro Rodeo held during Gold Rush Days.

Local attractions include the Desert Caballeros Western Museum, where artwork, new and existing exhibits, programs, and Western memorabilia tell the story of our Western heritage. Wickenburg is also home to the Del E. Webb Center, a 600-seat performing arts facility where national entertainers from Western music to jazz to ballet performances throughout the year.

All upcoming event information is located on our calendar of events.


Check out our calendar for a constantly updated list of all the fun events here in Wickenburg!


Vulture Mine Information

Get to know more about the mining operation that started it all: Vulture Mine.

Del E. Webb Center campus

Up Close and Live at the Webb Center

Wickenburg is home to the Del E. Webb Center, a 600-seat venue that hosts a variety of artists and performances from November through April.

Must-See: Desert Caballeros Western Museum

When you plan your visit to Wickenburg, add the Desert Caballeros Western Museum to your itinerary. Experience the old west, the next west, and the new west.

Are You Ready for Outdoor Adventure?

Outdoor adventures await on Wickenburg’s doorstep.

Wickenburg’s 200-Year-Old Jail Tree was chosen as an Official Arizona Centennial Witness Tree

Check out the historic jail tree, located in downtown Wickenburg beside Circle K. Before Wickenburg had a jailhouse, outlaws would be chained to this tree until lawmen from Phoenix could collect them.

Tesla Charging Stations in Wickenburg

Wickenburg is home to 8 Tesla charging stations located in the heart of downtown, close to shops and restaurants.


Historic Drover Caboose

Learn more about the historic steam locomotive and drover caboose.

Team Ropers Love Wickenburg!

Team ropers love Wickenburg, and during the months of November through April, you’ll find cowboys & cowgirls throwing their loops at various arenas around town.

Photo of a Vermillion Flycatcher by Karen Martin.

Birding in Wickenburg

Wickenburg is becoming a not-so-well-kept secret area for birding in Arizona – with over 280 species of birds confirmed!



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