Vulture Mine Information
Find out how Wickenburg got its start by visiting Vulture City, a historic ghost town located just 14 miles outside of Wickenburg. California prospector Henry Wickenburg discovered a gold-rich quartz outcropping which established the Vulture Mine, and soon after, Vulture City. At its height, Vulture City was home to a few thousand residents.
In the early 1940s, the mine was shut down by a regulatory agency. Although the mine appealed the shut-down order and reopened, it never achieved the same enthusiasm.
The previously abandoned mining town has been carefully restored over the last several years and is open for the public to explore. Over a dozen of the original buildings still stand, with more planning to be restored in the near future. Tour the original assay office, the brothel, the cookhouse, and even stand over the original Nichols Raise, a mineshaft that runs 170 feet straight down.
Guided tours of Vulture City are offered from October through Mother’s Day. Self-guided tours are available year-round. For updated pricing, events, and tour information, visit Vulture City’s website:
Address: 36610 N. 355th Avenue, Wickenburg, AZ 85390